The weather in Zervianá, Crete
Measuring station Souda Airport
The regional weather of Zervianá
Weather forecast for Zervianá
It is only slightly cloudy, the chance of precipitation is 10%, there are 8 sun hours.
<0.1 l/m²
(20 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(25 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(24 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(27 km/h)
It is slight cloudy, the chance of precipitation is 13%, there are 7 sun hours.
<0.1 l/m²
(34 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(34 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(31 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(29 km/h)
It is slight cloudy, the chance of precipitation is 15%, there are 6 sun hours.
<0.1 l/m²
(30 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(30 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(25 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(23 km/h)
It is more cloudy, the chance of precipitation is 26%, there are 3 sun hours.
<0.1 l/m²
(23 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(26 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(22 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(20 km/h)
It is more cloudy, the chance of precipitation is 26%, there are 3 sun hours.
<0.1 l/m²
(22 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(24 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(23 km/h)
<0.1 l/m²
(25 km/h)
Weather forecast graphics for Zervianá
Air Pressure
The weather forecast for Wed, 16.10.2024 for Zervianá, Crete, Greece
After the clear sky in the morning it is slightly cloudy during the day. The afternoon is slightly cloudy. Morning temperatures will be around 20 degrees. During the day the temperature reaches a maximum of 24 degrees. In the night the low temperature is 19 degrees. The northeast wind blow at first slightly, at night moderately from Nordost.
On 17.10. the sky is brightened with larger gaps in the clouds. Morning temperatures will be around 19 degrees. During the day the temperature reaches a maximum of 21 degrees. At night the low temperature is 18 degrees. The north wind is blowing moderately.
Fri the sky is brightened with larger gaps in the clouds. Morning temperatures will be around 18 degrees. During the day the temperature reaches a maximum of 20 degrees. At night the low temperature is 18 degrees. The northeast wind is blowing moderately.
On subsequent days the sky is more cloudy, but it can also give sun. Morning temperatures will be around 17 degrees. During the day the temperature reaches a maximum of 20 degrees. The wind comes from the east with an average of 30 Km/h.
Astronomical details
06:31 Uhr
17:50 Uhr
12:18 h
18:11 Uhr
06:04 Uhr
Full moon (97%)