The weather in europe
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- weather Åland
- weather Albania
- weather Andorra
- weather Austria
- weather Belarus
- weather Belgium
- weather Bosnia and Herzegovina
- weather Bulgaria
- weather Croatia
- weather Czech Republic
- weather Denmark
- weather Estonia
- weather Finland
- weather France
- weather Germany
- weather Great Britain
- weather Greece
- weather Hungary
- weather Iceland
- weather Ireland
- weather Italy
- weather Latvia
- weather Liechtenstein
- weather Lithuania
- weather Luxembourg
- weather Macedonia
- weather Malta
- weather Moldova
- weather Montenegro
- weather Netherlands
- weather Norway
- weather Poland
- weather Portugal
- weather Romania
- weather San Marino
- weather Serbia
- weather Slovakia
- weather Slovenia
- weather Spain
- weather Sweden
- weather Switzerland
- weather Ukraine
More weather maps of Europe Precise weather forecasts and current weather information for Europe. provides forecasts the whole of Europe, city by city, with daytime accurate representation of the weather situation for the coming days. Find out about the expected weather conditions, the maximum and minimum temperatures, precipitation events and wind speeds of your desired location. Whether you want to know the weather for your next city tour, barbecue or holiday travel: On you will find all information for your next destination. Our weather database contains a large number of destinations across Europe.